HAPPY - HEALTHY - HARMONIOUS - - - Big Jubilee Summer School 2023
Sun, 06 Aug

06 Aug 2023, 20:30 – 20 Aug 2023, 12:30
Ližnjan, Put za Marleru 23, 52204, Ližnjan, Croatia
This Summer school will be held in the spirit of celebration with multiple artistic programmes. Makaja will speak about his distinctive and rich life which, since early childhood, was strongly permeated and guided by spiritual inspiration. He will speak as well about the yogic keys for healthy, happy and harmonious life and living together. Joint guided meditations, mantra chantings, dances of the heart and sport activities will round our jubilee Summer school.
Our venue, the Yoga Meditation Tantra Center
CHERRY BLOSSOM, is a holiday paradise with an excellent vegetarian offer (awarded the V-label of the European Vegetarian Union): www.cherry-blossom.hr
Prices for vegetarian full board
EU, CH Payment before 1.4.: € 59 after 1.4.: € 69
HR, MK, RS, ME, BA Payment before 1.4.: € 49 after 1.4.: € 54
This price includes accommodation in a double room, full board with vegetarian meals
(fruit breakfast) and taxes.
Summer School (Reg./Disc.)
CH 800 / 620 EUR
EU (ausser GB und HR) 560 / 440 EUR
GB 560 / 440 EUR
HR 350 / 200 EUR
MK, BA, RS, ME 200 / 150 EUR
* For all those who attended the 2023 Summer Tantric Course (min. 14 days) Summer School 2023 is free.
Art of Love Schooling ** (Reg./Disc.)
CH 1530 / 780 EUR
EU (except GB and HR) 1050 / 530 EUR
GB 950 / 480 EUR
HR 390 / 240 EUR
MK, BA, RS, ME 290 / 210 EUR
** Information about the tantric courses ART OF LOVE on demand
For bookings and further information please contact reservations@komaja.org
In order to confirm your booking you have to transfer the amount due for your accommodation and course to the
€ account of the Komaja Meditation School:
Komaja Meditationsschule, 6442 Gersau,
Postfinance, CH-3000 Bern
SWIFT: POFICHBE • IBAN CH66 0900 0000 9185 8236 2
for events organized by Komaja Meditationsschule, Komaja Stiftung and other Komaja organizations (if not otherwise stipulated in the corresponding event's flyer)
In case of cancellation of the entire reservation we kindly ask the guest/organizer to inform us as soon as possible.
For cancellations at short notice, the guest/organizer will be charged with a proportionate compensation fee as follows: 60-31 days before the event - 25% of the reserved services
30-15 days before the event - 50% of the reserved services
14-0 days before the event - 100% of the reserved services
If the Komaja Meditationsschule, Komaja Stftung, or any other Komaja organization has a reason to believe that the customer may endanger the smooth business operation, security, or reputation of the concerned Komaja organization, then the Komaja Meditationsschule, Komaja Stftung or another Komaja organizer entitled to cancel the reservation contract with the customer at any time without compensation.
For the Komaja-Meditationsschule Franjo Milicevic - Aba Aziz Makaja