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Meditation is an effortless state and process.

– Guru Makaja

Meditation is a natural state of human consciousness. Each human being meditates every day: in moments of deepest relaxation after a bustling workday, in the moments shortly before falling asleep. These excursions into the levels of consciousness which are above feelings and thoughts, however, are too short for the human being either to notice or to make use of them. Komaja Meditation is universally applicable and equally effective, regardless of whether one uses it to further one’s health and life quality or to achieve the highest of spiritual goals. Specifically, it consists in making use of another natural “meditative” state of human consciousness: the state of being in love.

People in love very frequently and effortlessly stop their thoughts as well as many other everyday, less significant feelings in order to enjoy telepathic love contact. Being in love as well as love are abilities of the human soul, like meditation, which can be developed. Through Komaja Meditation or „Meditation of Love“ one makes conscious, practices and increases the ability or art of love (love for one’s partner, one’s children, love for one’s neighbours or one’s love of God).

Image by Chris Ensey

The Basic Techique of Komaja Meditation 

The Basic Technique


First Part

Sit, close your eyes, relaxe your body (especially the face) and then in your imagination choose a person of the opposite sex e.g. some unknown person from the street or from a movie - it could also be a holy person, a sage, yogi or yogini or even God himself. That person may be also fictitious - an ideal of the opposite sex. It is essential that as soon as you bring to mind the image of this person, feelings of love, adoration, admiration, rapture, devotion, joy, and happiness are evoked within you. You see the person's body, face, hair, gestures, hears the voice of that person, feel the touch of the person's hand – vivid, vivid as if the person was present here now and you melt with love and joy. You need to feel a strong radiance from the chest area and a streaming of life energy throughout the whole body.

Signs which show that this first part of the meditation has been well executed are the following: e.g. if you have an injury that hurts even when you are not moving, you can clearly feel how the awakened energy flows through the injured spot and the pain ceases. Furthermore, feelings of tiredness and sleepiness disappear, the breathing changes, both the body and the soul are filled with vital energy and after meditating you are as fresh as if you have just had a good restful sleep, etc. Some people succeed in this from the very beginning and others need two or three months. Once you choose a person, it is necessary to "work" with that person for at least one month.

The goal of this technique is to make conscious and develop the capacity to love in the human being - the capacity for universal, cosmic love, love towards all beings in contrast to personal, sentimental-sexual love. One starts by feeling love for one person of the opposite sex for a simple reason - it is the easiest for a beginner. After several months (or years), when you eventually burn incessantly with a fire of uncompromising, total love and devotion towards several people at the same time, then in your body and soul, great changes begin to take place - the sun of Komaja appears on the horizon of your consciousness. Now with complete consciousness, you dive into those areas of life that for the vast majority of people are covered by the impenetrable veil of materialism.

Second Part

Half of the time which you determine for meditation is allocated to Part I, the other half for Part II. It does not matter whether one part is a little bit longer or shorter than the other.
In the second part of the meditation you endeavour to free your mind of any content, to make it completely calm and clear. Your consciousness in the second part of the meditation needs to be like a mirror. Any object placed in front of a mirror, is reflected perfectly, although it, itself hasn’t changed in the least. In the same way during this second part of the meditation, your consciousness registers different sensory impulses that come from within (breathing, blood circulation, working of the digestive organs, thoughts, etc.), yet remains completely clear and unchanged - like a mirror. For as long as such impulses continue in front of this mirror of consciousness, it continues to reflect them. As soon as the impulses cease, the consciousness is again completely clear, i.e. you will not, as people usually do, think about these impulses that have come from your surroundings (though you will perceive them).
Therefore, in the second part, awareness, alertness, presence of mind and the absence of any mental or emotional activity are called for. You should be like a cat or a snake that is sunbathing. It is completely relaxed. One would say, “it is asleep" or maybe even "it is dead." Yet, if somebody tries to approach it, it will react as a lightning. Thus, you need to be in a state whereas you could jump up instantaneously from the deepest meditation (either by choice or necessity), and run 100-200 metres without any harmful effects. If a person were to do this after being asleep, or from the usual state of passive relaxation, or from any of the classical types of meditation, they could become seriously sick, even suffer a stroke. But if one practises "active" relaxation (like that of a cat or a snake) then they won't suffer any disorder. It is in this way that this technique is different from all others described in books on meditation throughout the world up to now. Not only in that it reveals a person’s inner being to themself, but also it brings them at their maximum capacity to respond quickly and appropriately to every life situation, even the most unexpected one. Of course, a certain amount of time and effort are necessary to achieve this. It also greatly depends upon the natural predisposition with which a person begins their work of self-development and self-refinement.

In the second part of the meditation one also uses a personal mantra (a combination of sounds that help accelerate the spiritual awakening), which the master gave them during initiation. A mantra is used in the following three cases:

- When one feels sleepy during the meditation;
- When one feels exhausted or one drops into a depressive mood;
- When one can’t stop one’s thoughts and emotions only with willpower.
The mantra awakens, brings life energy and stills one’s thoughts and feelings. All well known meditation techniques in the world in which a mantra is used, are so-called "monotonous" techniques, i.e. a mantra is repeated monotonously, uniformly, without any significant engagement of emotion and will. Thus, the technique explained here is essentially different from all other known techniques. In this technique, the human being merges with the mantra. The whole soul is poured into the sound, transformed into music. It is repeated in a rhythm that comes spontaneously, in a melody that emerges by itself from the depth of one's being. In this way, the technique’s effectiveness in relieving stress is multiplied - as long as it is done properly.  Sometimes it is pleasant to repeat the mantra only once or twice in ten minutes, and other times, one will repeat it maybe tens of times. The repetition needs to be spontaneous - not with the head but with the heart. It can even be sung (internally).

One uses a mantra only during the second part of the meditation. It is especially advised never to tell anyone the mantra (except one’s master) even if one stops meditating altogether.

10 general instructions
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10 General instructions for Komaja meditation

Guided Meditations


MAKAJA & KOMAJA: Om Namah Shivaya
KOMAJA Fun in Venice
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