Meditation with Guru Makaja:
Follow my words and my energy
29.07.24, Opening of the Summer School

Close your eyes and relax.
We focus on the Ajna Chakra, between the eyebrows. Like a little sun in the middle of the forehead, radiating light, peace, compassion… for all human beings!
And after some time, if you feel good in your focus, you change the focus to the middle of the lower part of the brain. There's the pituitary gland. The most protected organ of the human body. There are bones all around it. Just a little bit higher, maybe 1 to 2 cm, is the pineal gland. The two most important glands for the human spiritual development. They are the first materializations of the Ajna and Sahasrara Chakras.
The pituitary gland determines what you are in every aspect and what you think about yourself. About your controlled and uncontrolled drives. Here is everything. Comparable to the huge power of electricity which we receive from a nuclear power plant.
The nuclear power plant is small in comparison with a whole country, but it's giving energy to industries, to towns, to villages, to streets. And everything is even much smaller. The walls are like bones which protect the pituitary gland. That thing is very, very small. So, there is huge power, huge evolutionary potential that every human being carries within him- or herself every day.
It is completely impossible for you to activate this organ only with your concentration and willpower. Even if you would succeed, you would kill yourself by doing this because you don't have the necessary knowledge and the necessary skills and powers which are described in my book “Komaja”.
But in the following days, in controlled conditions, we will try, all together, to activate this center in the middle of the brain a little bit, for the benefit of you and for the benefit of all human beings around you.
Of course, it is natural that every spiritual, yogic aspirant wants to activate this center, this chakra, so fast as possible. The key for safe activation and development is the fourfold impeccability of Komaja. Impeccability in thoughts, feelings, words and deeds.
So, theoretically, it is possible to get the highest enlightenment, the highest samadhi, even in a few hours. But that is a theory. I am meditating more than half a century, and I haven't reached this level. That is Babaji's level, the complete rulership over the matter. Babaji's level, Jesus’ level.
So, in short, we can say that the key is daily yogic training and life in virtue!
And after years of developing different, essential virtues, which are written in my book Komaja Kunst for every chakra, finally we must develop the highest of all virtues. And that is, as Patanjali said in Yoga Sutra, two and half thousand years ago, Ishwara-pranidhana; surrender to the highest, to the divine. That is the virtue of Ajna chakra. Here is no more space for some human, something personal, here exists only the divine life.
Here, in this center is the distant future, the distant heavenly future of our mankind.
Your brain is not yours. Somebody created this brain for you. And this somebody has some vision, what he or she wants to materialize in this universe with the help of mankind´s brains. Previously, he also created the mineral world, the world of plants, the world of animals. And now it is about the world of human beings.
But his vision includes much, much more. So, Ajna chakra is only for the highest yoginis, only for the highest yogins. It´s the world of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Babaji and similar beings.
The future of our mankind is in everyone of us. It is given to us, like a blessing, like a gift of the divine creator.
This aura, this golden aura, on pictures of the Christian saints, is the consequence of the highest surrender. That means that the Ajna chakra is completely opened and radiating every day, in spite of the sexual drive and illusions of feelings and thoughts of human beings. They are holy people. The divine life force is radiating with full power, even through the brain chakras. So, these pictures are like traffic signs on a highway. They show the spiritual aspirant the way.
Maintain yogic discipline, conquer and transform your vices, and establish the permanent current of energy and consciousness from muladhara to sahasrara, from the bottom of the spine to the crown chakra.
So, this is that small snake on the forehead of the pharaoh. With yogic discipline and virtue, awakened vital and sexual energy is freely flowing all the way to the pituitary gland. All the way to the forehead and crown chakra. The pharaoh is the highest among the people. He is magnificent, exactly because he is awakened. Because all the forces of nature, from his feet and from the bottom of his spine, freely flow all the way to the forehead and crown chakras every day. That's why he is holy, that is why he is a king or queen in the world of humans; because he has already gone through the human stage of evolution, and now he is in the next evolutive cycle. Those are the right saints, the right kings and queens.
Yoga has been given to our mankind in order for all of us to reach this goal faster and easier.
So, please, follow me in the next 14 days! Follow my words and energy!
You cannot experience and realize the nature of sea, until you throw yourself into it. You swim, lay on water, dive, experience the underwater world.
You cannot reason about the spiritual master; it is as if you reason about the sea.
So, just follow my words and my energy in the next 14 days!
There is no other way. Who wants to swim, needs to get wet.
Ishwara-pranidhanad va.
Sat Chit Ananda