Today is Christmas, the day of Jesus Christ’s birth, perhaps the greatest guru of love in our human history. Christmas is about love.
People love Jesus because he loved Love itself. The whole human life is about love. The gurus and saints of different religions are full of love, so they give love to everyone who approaches them. They are one with the Divine Love. That is a blissful state of consciousness, a blissful state of the psyche and also of the body. Because of this, they cannot be seduced by the lower levels of existence—they are married to Love.
But the lives of all other people are also about love. They are searching for love, working for love, to show their loved ones that they are valuable and deserve to be loved.
Some people are much more passionate than the common human being. They fight for the liberation of their nation because they want to be loved by many men and women. They are ready at any moment to die for this ideal—the ideal of receiving great love from many people. For them, being loved by many people, by many shaktis or shaktas, is the most important thing. They believe it protects them from the lower levels of existence and helps them connect to the Divine.
Even ordinary people are hungry for more love. This is why husbands and wives are often not satisfied with each other: they are so thirsty for love that they cannot fully reach it through their own body and soul. They need communication. They know that, in some way, sometimes, and for some reason—through talking, laughing, or having sex—they can touch the Divine Love. In those moments, they enter a world of beauty, sweetness, joy, peace, and harmony. That is why people need a partner, why they need sex, why they long for children, family gatherings, and weddings. People pray for love, fight for love, and even betray each other for love.
We are all followers of love. The only difference is that we choose very different and specific ways. Everyone is unique and follows their own unique path.
At the same time, human beings have a terrible fear of Divine Love. They desire it but also run away from it. They enjoy its blessings but then retreat into suffering. People are scared of the power of Divine Love—the power of complete spiritual transformation and the total dissolution of human egoism.
Oh, beautiful Love! Only the bravest souls, only those who fully surrender, can receive your blessings and merge with you.
The blessings of love shine through beautiful figures like Jesus, Krishna, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa. Through them, Divine Love manifests itself as the complete surrender of the human ego. Each of these surrenders is completely unique.
So, give yourself in your own way—but give yourself completely! That is the law, the condition. The highest God of the universe accepts us only through this complete surrender. He wants to create us as unique individuals, as unique expressions of His Divine Love. He puts pressure on us, ensuring we are never completely satisfied, that we always long for more. In this way he is guiding us toward the unique surrender to the highest Divine Love.
And in every brief moment of Samadhi, in every fleeting embrace of Divine Love, all suffering disappears. In those moments, the illusion of ego vanishes. That is how God teaches us. All suffering is merely the illusion of ego.
So, do not be foolish! Surrender yourself on this holy day, this beautiful day!
Komaja—the radiant love of God for every human being, for every sensitive soul on all levels of the universe.
Sat Cit Ananda